An Exploration into the Depths of Christian Spirituality

Christian Mysticism + Rooakh Meditation Course


In the Mysticism & Spirituality Course…

…we cover various aspects on Christian spirituality and its processes in our every day life. We cover topics such as ancient Israelite practices, the early Christian church, and the monastic era. It includes access to the ROOAKH Meditation Practicum.


This Course Goes Alongside the Meditation Practicum. Its all about learning and includes group mentoring


Are you looking to ask questions about the meditational process, curious to learn more about the exercises that we do each week, and so much more? Then this course is for you! This is a partner course that goes alongside the ROOAKH Meditation and Contemplation Practicum. This course will aid in our processes of changing the world - starting with ourselves, both personal and communal. This course includes access to the meditations!


Come Learn and Explore the Spiritual Roots of Christianity

Various aspects of Judaic pre-Christian texts are taught and explored, followed by an examination of Christian spirituality in the early church and later centuries. We discuss dimensional realities and their creative enfoldment, saints, and Christian mysteries, as well as a wide range of ancient literature and teachings.

Get ready to move in new ways through learning and one-ness awareness.

What Can I Expect?

How is the course structured and what will we cover?


⊙What is mysticism? And specifically, what is Christian mysticism?

⊙What can we learn today from saints and mysto-explorers who went before us?

⊙What were the various spiritual technologies used amongst the early Christians and Jewish ancients? How were they implemented?

⊙Various readings will be assigned for each class relevant to the time period. The first module introduced great mystics such as Enoch and Philo.

⊙In addition to teaching, Taylor will facilitate group mentoring each week, focused on the readings and previous weekly meditations. Subscribers to this course also receive access to ROOAKH meditations!

⊙45 minute-1.5 hours online class every other week on Zoom — currently on Tuesday evenings (PST).

What extras are included in this course?


An exploration of texts

We will be diving into a number of spiritual texts, learning spiritual, psychological, philosophical, and historical dimensions of Christian and Jewish mystical texts.

An opportunity to learn more about the meditations

I will be teaching more on the mediations we are practicing, as well as creating some space in the beginning in the class to discuss the mediations, your experiences, and any questions you might have about them.

Group Mentoring

I will try to stick to just the meditation practices for the practicum; but in the mysticism course + Rooakh mediation subscription, I will be available for questions and discussion.


What if I miss the online class?

A: The videos will be available to watch as long as you are subscribed!

What makes this course different from any other course?

A: There are optional assigned readings and topics that include the spiritual, psychological, philosophical, practical and historical depths of such mysteries.

Where do I access the videos for the recordings?

A: When you log in to your account your course will be right there!

What is included in the $80 subscription package?

You get access to this course and the meditation practicum!

Does this course include the meditations practicums?

Yes, it does!

Can I ask questions each week about the meditations and the course content?

Yes, and it is encouraged!

Will I be far behind if I join now?

No, this course is designed for anyone to hop in at any time!


About your instructor, Taylor Remington

For the past eight years, Taylor Remington has cultivated and devoted himself to Christ-centered meditational and contemplative practices. The fruit of his experiences, insights, and studies have revealed and refined spiritual technologies that focus on aspects of feeling, intuiting, and sensing, which Taylor incorporates into his Rooakh practicum and teachings in order to reintegrate one’s body, soul, relationships, and external world into unity with the Spirit. Through these Spiritcentric techniques, Taylor guides the individual into new experiences of the ever-flowing Spiritual life in Christ, which inevitably results in an embodied peace, or Shalom, in all areas of one’s life. Taylor has participated and served in multiple Christian spiritual arenas for the past ten years. He has a BA in Inter-Cultural Studies with an emphasis on indigenous cultures and practices, as well as a minor in Biblical studies from Biola University. He also completed his MA in Theology and Religion from the Claremont School of Theology, where his studies focused on transpersonal aspects of experience and becoming.

In addition, he has studied and served under Dr. Ogbonnaya of Aactev8 International for the past seven years learning and embodying both Christian and Jewish methods of Divine engagement. Taylor’s background and expertise are centered around the Spiritual, as emphasized through the historical, mystical, philosophical, and theological practices and ideas of the ancient, medieval, and modern Church. In addition to his scholastic training, Taylor is a certified Mindfulness and Meditation teacher as well as a certified Christian Mindfulness teacher (both accredited).