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Cloud of the In/Possible

Recording Available for Purchase Below

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

Hebrews 12:1

He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”
Luke 20:38

What is the Course About?

This will be a course/class unlike any other on this subject. It is a one-day intensive exploring the various aspects of who and what the Cloud of Witnesses is and the roles they play in the world. We will explore the biblical roots of the concept and the ways that the saints of old have affected and continue to affect the world.

We will examine the dimensional realities of their existence and open up the 5th-dimensional understanding to unlock the flows of communication with the saints of old that live within the Holy Spirit/Christ/Logos reality. We will engage a new cosmological map based on the Christian mystics of old for a fresh understanding of the inner workings of creation building.

We will examine how the aspects within the Cloud function and manifest as archetypes in the heart-mind-field for the repairing of the world into a harmonious reflection of higher realities. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the deeper ways that we will explore this topic.

This course includes a meditation and activation practice to unlock this reality in a deeper way.

When Will the Course Be Offered?

Saturday, February 5th from 8 am PST until approximately 1 pm PST.

The course will be given live stream via Zoom and will include recordings that you can watch at any time on your account.

How Much Does the Course Cost?

I trust those who sign up in each tier respect and are honest about the following conditions. If you want to sponsor someone send an email to

Student: This is for university students or those who are in a tough financial situation and make less than $20k per year- $60

Contributor: For those who have an income/dual income from $20-50k per year - $100

Partner: For those who have an income/dual income of more than $50k per year - $144

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The Star of Christ

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The Re-Emergence of the Nous